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Valley Girls Cycling Organization

Waiver and Release

In consideration of my participation in any Valley Girls Cycling Organization (hereinafter VGCO) activity, I hereby agree and acknowledge the following, which includes a release of liability, which will apply to all my participation in any VGCO Activity, including any such activities hosted by other organizations or businesses (individually an “Activity,” and collectively “Activities”):

I am aware that with any bicycle or bicycle related activity there are certain inherent dangers, including but not limited to the hazards of roads, off road terrain, accidents, actions of participants and other persons. By my participation in any Activity, I certify that I am aware of these inherent dangers of bicycle riding and the safety rules of the road applicable to bicycles. I understand that CPSC certified bicycle helmets are required to participate in all riding Activities and I agree to wear a helmet while participating in any such Activity.

I understand I am responsible for my own safety, conduct and decisions while participating in a VGCO Activity. I agree to use good judgment and caution and to follow the rules of the road and all applicable laws and safety practices. I hereby consent to emergency medical treatment while participating in an Activity. I understand that it is not the function of organizers, ride leaders or other participants to serve as guardians of my safety from anyone or anything. I recognize that the route(s) chosen may be challenging, not necessarily the safest or easiest route(s) and that weather, road or traffic conditions may make a ride more difficult.

I knowingly, freely, and voluntarily accept all risks of injury, death, or property damage. I hereby RELEASE from any liability and agree to INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS VGCO, their officers, agents, successors and assigns, the sponsors or host organization, the ride leader(s) or other volunteers, against all claims, including but not limited to, negligence, unintentional acts, and acts of omission, and any loss or expense, which may arise from my participation in any Activity.

I understand that the terms of this document are contractual and not a mere recital, and I have signed this document as my own free act. This Waiver & Release is intended to be binding upon me, my family, my heirs, my estate, my legal representatives and assigns. Any legal action that may arise from my participation in this ride or Activity will be brought in the State of Wisconsin.

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